Tuesday, December 30, 2008


My mother has created a wonderful tradition of painting porcelain ornaments for us during the Holidays. Last year with the passing of my brother it was a rough year for us all and I was SO happy to hear she was painting again this year. I had the pleasure of opening THIS one:


The "H" for Haglers...I cannot wait to hang it on the tree next year!

Here is what the boys received this year:


Butterflies...with a little Bible lesson to go with it that we will have to remember to do next year. I told my mom that she needed to watch "I am Legend" (for the symbolism of the butterflies) as it was on the brain having just watched it at the in-laws...but then again...my brother was a BIG Marley fan and since all the music in it is his it may not be the right choice yet.

The beginning of the journey

Welcome to my little blog...I have decided no matter how unwitty I am I really should try to document some of the insanity that goes on here in our little world. So enjoy!...I will try to remember to update often.